Patalera countless health benefits
Patalera countless health benefits, many people do not know. These vegetables are a nutritious diet. The vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B-II and vitamin C, calcium, and contains antioxidant. Ayurveda is used in gastric problems. Patalera learn about the health benefits of herbs.
1. Improve digestion
The green sabajitite good amounts of fiber, which helps digestion of food. It is also related to gastrointestinal problems and liver that helps solve the problem.
II. To cure constipation
Patalera a healthy seeds and seed treatment of constipation, which helps to release stool.
3. Helps reduce weight
Patale amount of calories is low. So you can eat to lose weight safely patalera curry. This is to keep the stomach full and helps to reduce appetite.
4. Blood is paid
Another health benefit that is paid to patalera blood. As a result of these green vegetables are good skin care works.
5. Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar
Patalera cholesterol and blood sugar levels naturally in small round bicigulo helps to reduce.
6. Helps cure flu
Ayurveda treatment, cold, fever and throat pain medications are used as reduced cataract.
7. Beneficial for the skin
Patale antioxidant vitamins A and C and is beneficial for the skin. Helps prevent the spread of free radicals to prevent the impression of age cataract.
Herb patalera gunaguna:
- Soak in water smashed cataract and coriander. 3 by 3 percent this mixture with honey mixed drink increases. The digestive problems will go away.
- Apply on patalera juice reduced headache.
- Patalera leaf extract helps heal wounds faster and get an eyeball is used to solve the problems.
- Patalera curry eating away skin problems.
Nepal is fed soup patalera sick. Fried cataract in our country, patalera dolama, or with fish or meat is cooked with other vegetables. South Asia and the West Indies with the potato is cooked. Indonesia is also used in cataract varied recipes such as Star fries, coconut milk or stew is cooking. It is found in Asia and Australia. This is usually found in vegetables during the summer.