We did not do many things to reduce weight! Plates reduce the amount of cucumber, carrot soup and I suppose spent day after day. However, the weight of the machine is very easy to want to do so much pain results. Quick weight reducing diet at the first time after a weight reduction is slowing down. Many of disappointment was discovered, the weight of the cucumber soup to eat for a long time, but I do not kamachei as a result of malnutrition are found in the body. The hair is going to fall, the skin becomes dry, there is the appearance of grace.

Pustibijnanira the necessary nutrients to the body for a long time, and if you do not eat 'starabhesana' goes to state. Eat less food than necessary due to the use of the body and reduces the amount of food started to save. This is the 'starabhesana' status.

When the body does not use food to save, not falling, but in many cases, the weight began to increase.

The activity inside the body becomes less speed. In the absence of the necessary food for a long time due to the decline in the efficiency of the metabolic system of the body's intake of calories and fat to be deposited.

The way? What is a 'magic' does not have enough to eat, so they do not increase the weight! The answer is there. Khadyopadanake pustibijnanira 7 of the magic food 'called. According to them, the 7 types of food eaten regularly, the weight must be reduced moderately.

Fruits and vegetables

This is due to the khabaragulote micronutrient and fiber helps reduce cholesterol and abdominal fat. Carbikanake fiber intake tied up and help us get out of the body through the toilet. Amsajatiya material, as well as fruit and vegetables reduces the feeling of hunger due to higher prices. At least every four or five types of fruits and vegetables reduces the attraction of playing against other dishes. Therefore, to reduce abdominal fat in certain fruits and vegetables works.

Green tea

The drinks are not only uplifted light body, with effective role in weight loss. The abundance of anti-oxidants in green tea helps you shed excess fat indirectly.

Nuts and olive oil

The daily meal as a protein is essential, just as important, the presence of phyata-national dishes. Was horrified? But it is true.

According to pustibijnanidera, the 'phyatai is not harmful to the body. Refers to all types of health food ingredients bantanai body balanced. Protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in the body phyaterao. Fat is necessary for the absorption of some vitamins.

A, D, and E, vitamin K deficiency can occur when the body is deprived of its needed supply of fat. Place the almonds in the daily diet, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, beans seeds, kidney bean and olive oil. Danajatiya fats from nuts and snacks are available in the nutrition is called 'manoanasyacureteda fat. The fat from the blood to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol that helps.

Manoanasyacureteda fat, skin and internal organs have been pulling, skin polishing, as well as help increase the metabolic rate increases, which contributes to weight reduction.

Marine fish

Marine fish contain omega-three fatty acids. The acid burn fat and vitamins are responsible for increasing the amount of fat helps the body better. Fat is found in marine fish from its name palianasyacureteda fat. Fat fish, nuts and olive oil, seafood, such as reducing the weight of the role.


The spices used in cooking, such as garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ada, they are compatible with the weather. Some of the benefits of Ayurvedic spice body is due to its own properties. Spices and bland food, which helps digestion, with delicious food. Ginger, cinnamon and turmeric works as an anti-oxidant indirectly is helpful to reduce weight.


The role of the extraordinary waste from the body to expel water. However, from 1 to 10 glasses of water a day directly contributes to weight reduction. Water keeps the body fresh, remove all unnecessary ksudhabhabake. As a result, the body is canabodha to drink again. Increases metabolism. So drinking water to lose weight is another important step in increasing the amount.

Food amsajatiya

This type of diet helps to increase blood levels of insulin, which controls blood sugar. Amsajatiya higher intake of vitamin B, which increases resistance to disease. In addition, our basal metabolic rate (biemaara) maintain its food through the body helps to fully take advantage of. Amsajatiya tendency to reduce the intake of extra calories to keep the body in charge of matching pair.