Ridge Ground quite low in calories as well as saturated fats. It really is fiber, vitamin C, Riboflavin, zinc,, iron, magnesium, as well as a lot of it. Below are some of the health advantages of jhingara:
The good thing
Dietary fiber is very high, high iron, manganese is very high, very high in magnesium, niacin high, Pentothenic acid is very high, high phosphorus, potassium is very high, Riboflavin is very high, very high thyamin, vitamin A is very high, very high vitamin B-6, very high in vitamin C, zinc is very high.

Very high in sodium, sugar is very high.
Nutrition Information
Per 227 grams
Per Serving% Daily Value *
41 calories kalori
Sodium 325 mg 14%
Potassium 524 mg 15%
Carbohydrates 9.4 g 3%
Fiber 3 gm 12%
Sugar 3.9 g 25% ·
Vitamin C 15%
· Calcium 4%
Iron 6%
1. excellent blood purifier
 Ridge ground if your diet is an effective way of cleansing the blood in your body. In addition, it is good for liver health and reducing alcohol makes passing results.
2. filled with laxative properties

The Veggie or vegetables, extra to stay healthy laxative qualities are recognized. Jhinga the constipation problem which can serve as a highly effective reduction can be used to cure diseases and even ars. It works the stomach by concrescence.
3. karayyakara to cure jaundice
For too long, jaundice, for healing, medicinal properties jhingake being used. The vegetable juice obtained from the dried seeds are given to patients.
4. beneficial for diabetes
Jhinga page to help diabetics have special qualities. This jhinga the peptide in the leaves, urine and helps to reduce blood sugar levels. In addition, it is reasonable to limit the amount of blood insulin level.
5. aiding weight concrescence

Your weight loss program, can contribute to large jhinga. First it saturated (saturated) fat content is very low; Second, it adds to the body's cholesterol is too low; Third, it is a very reasonable amount of fat and calories by adding; Fourthly, there is a lot of water in it.
Veggie or vegetables for playing time this particular aneca keeps you satisfied. Last not least, however, if it is between dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, and nutritional value of the weight loss can be a wonderful help.
6. anti-inflammatory (Anti-inflammatory), and anti-biological (anti-biotic)
Anti-inflammatory as well as anti-biotic properties in this special vegetable has jhingara. It is a great natural way to remove the body from the toxic compound. It is always a room for skincare treatments like can be utilized while solving. This intoxication (intoxication) can be used to get rid of.
7. strengthens the immune system

A strong defense mechanisms of the body catching up soon after the illness as well as the healthy way to protect against bacterial infections able to maintain. Jhinga derived from the juice, the body's defense mechanism, and therefore it is recognized as saktisali virus infection as well as the best way to fight.
8. Skin care
Jhinga / loofah when ripening, when it is used in a sponge-like body pariskare. After removing the skin and seeds of ripe and dry jhinga, dhunadulera as a sponge bath exfoliation products have been historically utilized. They are particularly affected, as well as the smooth skin to remove dead skin cells, leaving behind wonderful. They are healthier and more radiant rendering so it can help encourage skin. You have to clear acne pimples as well as blood purifying qualities ensure that. Loofah sponge can help manage body odor as well as the legs.

If you do not properly take care of the loofah sponge, as well as a natural fiber, will attract the development of microbes as well as mold. It lets you rinse off all soap residue or salt and let it air dry after use is very important to keep clean loofah sponge.
9. stomach is very good
Ridge gourd cellulose in the stomach and helps to alleviate the problems arogye addition arasya help.
Additional health benefits
It is helpful for acidity and ulcers, as well as the management of fatigue, as well as providing comfort for anxiety may be advantageous. In addition, it was established to be a great cure cold. Lime juice is also combined with the experience of feeling burned with urine Veggie used a juice can be handled.